
change the column name via exchange partition

create table base_table (
col1 number(5) constraint pk_bt primary key,
col2 number(5),
clo3 number(5)

create table pt_table (
col1 number(5) constraint pk_pt primary key using index local,
col2 number(5),
col3 number(5)
partition by range (col1) (
partition p1 values less than (maxvalue)

alter table pt_table
exchange partition p1 with table base_table
including indexes without validation;

drop table base_table;
create table base_table (
col1 number(5) constraint pk_bt primary key,
col2 number(5),
col3 number(5)

alter table pt_table
exchange partition p1 with table base_table
including indexes without validation;

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