
Vista Transformation Pack Lite 3.0

reference link: http://cowscorpion.com/Theme/VistaTransformationPackLite.html

download link: http://cowscorpion.com/cgi/ccount/click.php?id=2153

Vista Transformation Pack はXP/2003の外観をWindows Vista風にする、Visual Styleなどを含んだインストールパッケージです。

Vista Transformation Pack Lite は Vista Transformation Pack(Full)のLite版です。  Vista Visual Styles Pack はVisual Styleのみのパックです。

- 1つのフォント (Segoe UI, Bold のみ)
- 2つのスキン (Longhorn SideBar, Vista) , Vista clock
- 3つのvisual styles (Aero Style (Glass - 50xx), Aero Style (Glass - 51xx) and Aero Style (Vista - Beta 1))
- 5つの壁紙(Keynote Glass+Widescreen, Keynote Grass+Widescreen and WinV_Wallpaper)


UXTheme MultiPatcher description
Uxtheme Multi-patcher - A patch that will change your uxtheme.dll on Windows XP
Uxtheme Multi-patcher will allow you to use any 3rd party msstyle theme on Windows XP/SP1/SP2 or Windows Server 2003 (with
Themes enabled) just by patching the uxtheme.dll (dynamic link library).

It's quite disappointment that 4.0 which claimed it should work on x64 OS but it didn't work. This time it wouldn't disappoint you since I tested the method and it can finally by-pass 32-bit redirection system. Grab the world first 32-bit patcher that works on x64 OS today!

Note: If you already have uxtheme.dll patched (being to use 3rd-party visual styles), you don’t need to update it with this ones.

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