
Fw Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging

Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging
An Oracle White Paper
June 2006
Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging
ENABLING AND USING JDBC LOGGING.........................................3
Configure the classpath................................................................................3
Enable Logging.............................................................................................3
Configue Logging.........................................................................................4
Advanced Configuration..............................................................................5
Using Loggers................................................................................................6
A Detailed Example.....................................................................................6
Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging Page 2
Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging
The Oracle JDBC drivers use two different mechanisms to generate log output. Versions of the JDBC drivers for older versions of Java, 1.2 and 1.3, use a proprietary mechanism. Versions of the JDBC drivers for newer versions of Java, 1.4 and later, use the Java standard logging mechanism, java.util.logging This note describes how to use java.util.logging with the Oracle JDBC drivers.
Configure the classpath
Oracle ships several jar files for each version of the drivers. The optimized jar files to do not contain any logging code. There will be no Oracle JDBC log output when using the optimized jar files. To get any log output you must use the debug jar files. These files are indicated with a _g in the file name. (This comes from the -g option to the Java compiler, which is used when compiling these jars.) At the time of writing the only jar files that contain code for java.util.logging are ojdbc14_g.jar and ojdbc14dms_g.jar.
Step 1: Make sure that a debug jar (ojdbc14_g.jar) is the only Oracle JDBC jar file in your classpath.
Enable Logging
In order to get any log output from the Oracle JDBC drivers you must enable logging. There is a global switch that turns logging on and off. When it is off, the drivers will not produce any log output. When it is on, what logging is produced is controlled by the configuration of java.util.logging. There are two ways to enable the global logging switch, programmatically or setting a Java system property. You can use the programmatic way to control what parts of your program generate log output. If you cannot or do not want to change the source, you can set the Java system property to enable logging for the entire program execution.
Step 2a: globally enable logging by setting the oracle.jdbc.Trace system property
java -Doracle.jdbc.Trace=true ...
Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging Page 3
Step 2b: programmatically enable logging by modifying your code to enable/disable logging
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleLog.setTrace(true); // enable logging ... oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleLog.setTrace(false); // disable logging
If this is all you do you will get minimal logging of serious errors written to the console. Usually this is less that useful. In order to generate more and probably more useful output, you must configure java.util.logging.
Configue Logging
java.util.logging is a very rich and powerful tool. Describing all the things you can do with it is beyond the scope of this note. This note provides a basic set of tools that will let you generate useful log output. For more complex configurations look at the JavaDoc for java.util.logging.
You can configure java.util.logging either programmatically or via a configuration file. For the most part there is little need to configure it programmatically. You can turn Oracle JDBC logging on and off programmatically using OracleLog.setTrace. In most cases there is no need to change the configuration during the course of execution. This note will only cover configuration files. If you must use programmatic configuration, information in the rest of this note should help you figure out what values to use when configuring java.util.logging programmatically.
One place to look for configuration information is the OracleLog.properties file in the demo directory of your JDBC installation. This file contains basic information on how to configure java.util.logging and provides some initial settings that you can start with. In order to use a configuration file you must identify that file to the Java runtime. You tell Java about your file by setting a system property. You can use both java.util.logging.config.file and oracle.jdbc.Trace at the same time.
Step 3: java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/jdbc/demo/OracleLog.properties -Doracle.jdbc.Trace=true ...
This will use the default OracleLog.properties file (assuming it is reachable from /jdbc/demo). That may get you the output you want, or it may not. The rest of this note will show you how to create your own config file and in the process help you understand how to modify the sample OracleLog.properties file.
Step 4: create a file, for example myConfig.properties, and insert the following.
level=SEVERE oracle.jdbc.level=ALL oracle.jdbc.handlers=java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level=ALL
Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging Page 4
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
Save this file and execute the Java command above replacing OracleLog.properties with myConfig.properties. This will produce a huge amount of output, so make sure your program execution is very short.
Advanced Configuration
This gives us a working setup that traces everything to the console. Let's modify the configuration file to dump everything to a file instead. Instead of using the ConsoleHandle, use the FileHandler.
.level=SEVERE oracle.jdbc.level=ALL oracle.jdbc.handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler java.util.logging.FileHandler.level=ALL java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern = jdbc.log java.util.logging.FileHandler.count = 1 java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
This will generate exactly the same log output, but instead send it to a file named jdbc.log in the current directory.
Step 5: You will want to reduce the amount of detail. You control the level of detail by changing the level settings. The defined levels from least detail to most are
In order to reduce the amount of detail, change java.util.logging.FileHandler.level from ALL to CONFIG
It is not necessary to change the level of the oracle.jdbc logger although you can. Setting the FileHandler level will control what log messages end up in the log file.
Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging Page 5
Using Loggers
Setting the level as above reduces all the logging output from JDBC. Sometimes we want to see a lot of output from one part of the code and very little from other parts. To do that you must understand more about loggers.
Loggers exist in a tree structure defined by their names. The root logger is named "", the empty String. If you look at the first line of the configuration file you see '.level=SEVERE'. This is setting the level of the root logger. The next line is 'oracle.jdbc.level=ALL'. This sets the level of the logger named 'oracle.jdbc'. The oracle.jdbc logger is a member of the logger tree. Its parent is named 'oracle'. The parent of the oracle logger is the root logger. Logging messages are sent to a particular logger, for example oracle.jdbc. If the message passes the level check at that level the message is passed to the handler at that level, if any, and to the parent logger. So a log message sent to oracle.log is compared against that logger's level, CONFIG if you are following along. If the level is the same or less (less detailed) then it is sent to the FileHandler and to the parent logger, 'oracle'. Again it is checked against the level. If as in this case, the level is not set then it uses the parent level, SEVERE. If the message level is the same or less it is passed to the handler, which there isn't one, and sent to the parent. In this case the parent in the root logger.
All this tree stuff didn't help you reduce the amount of output. What will help is that the JDBC drivers use several subloggers. If you restrict the log messages to one of the subloggers you will get substantially less output. The loggers used by the Oracle JDBC drivers include
oracle.jdbc almost all Oracle JDBC messages oracle.jdbc.driver the core driver code oracle.jdbc.pool DataSources and Connection pooling oracle.jdbc.rowset RowSets oracle.jdbc.xa distributed transaction support oracle.sql complex SQL data types
The drivers may use other loggers as well. That will vary from release to release.
A Detailed Example
Suppose you want to trace what is happening in the oracle.sql component, but you also want to capture some basic information about the rest of the driver. This is a more complex use of logging. Here is the config file.
# # set levels # 1 level=SEVERE 2 oracle.level=ALL 3 oracle.jdbc.driver.level=CONFIG
Oracle JDBC Logging using java.util.logging Page 6
4 oracle.jdbc.pool.level=OFF 5 oracle.jdbc.util.level=OFF 6 oracle.sql.level=FINE # # Config handlers # 7 oracle.handlers=java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler 8 java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level=ALL 9 java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = \ java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
Let's consider what each line is doing.
1 Set the root logger to SEVERE. We don't want to see any logging from other, non-Oracle components unless something fails badly, so we set the default level for all loggers to SEVERE. Each logger inherits its level from its parent unless set explicitly. By setting the root logger to SEVERE we insure that all other loggers inherit that level except for the ones we set otherwise.
2 We want output from both the oracle.sql and oracle.jdbc.driver loggers. Their common ancestor is oracle, so we set the level there to ALL. We will control the detail more explicitly at lower levels.
3 We only want to see the SQL execution from oracle.jdbc.driver so we set that to CONFIG. This is a fairly low volume level but will allow us to keep track of what our test is doing.
4 We are using a DataSource in our test and don't want to see all of that logging so we turn it OFF.
5 Similarly we don't want to see the logging from the oracle.jdbc.util package. If we were using XA or rowsets we would turn them off as well.
6 We want to see what is happening in oracle.sql so we set oracle.sql.level to FINE. This provides a lot of information about the public method calls without overwhelming detail.
7 We are going to dump everything to stderr. When we run the test we will redirect stderr to a file.
8 We want to dump everything to the console which is System.err. We are doing the filtering with the loggers rather than the Handler this time.
9 We will use a simple, more or less human readable format. Another choice is XMLFormatter. XMLFormatter is the best choice for logs that you send to Oracle Support because it permits us to more easily use automated processing of the log output.
When you run your test with this config file you will get an XML document that contains moderately detailed information from the oracle.sql package, a little bit of information from the core driver code and nothing from any other code.
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This paper shows you all the tools you will need for most purposes. java.util.logging is a powerful tool with lots of switches and knobs. You can send different parts of the log stream to different places and write custom filters that pick out exactly the log messages you want to see. These advanced uses are beyond the scope of this note. The basic tools described above should cover most of your needs and will give you a head start in learning the more advanced techniques. The best source for more information about java.util.logging is the JavaDoc.
One final note. The Oracle JDBC logging code varies dramatically from release to release. We are constantly striving to make it more useful and more maintainable. Older releases don't always do exactly what we or you would like them to do. This note describes a philosophy rather than exactly what will happen in any given release. The techniques described here should get you something close to what you want, even if not exactly. Experiment. This note describes how we want logging to work and each subsequent release should be closer to this ideal. I hope this helps.

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