
java join and split

I did implement it in my many projects. Because of my common library is not a part of the java standard, I have to write it each time. I think many people must have almost the same experience.

public static String join( String token, String[] strings )
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

for( int x = 0; x < ( strings.length - 1 ); x++ )
sb.append( strings[x] );
sb.append( token );
sb.append( strings[ strings.length - 1 ] );

return( sb.toString() );

for guys who have an old JDK, the split function doesn't exist prior to jdk1.3. The alternative is the following, using the StringTokenizer class

instead of

String line_fields[]=line_data.split("\\t");


StringTokenizer line_fields = new StringTokenizer(line_data,"\t");

the enhancement require to sun

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